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My father worked as a carpenter, he always told me, if you do something, do it good or not at all. I still follow that advice.
Our Portfolio
My portfolio have had a rule. I invest in things I have knowledge of and that I feel passioned about.
I decided years ago that i shall try to have as much fun possible. And if I can choose, I will just choose doing things I like and work with people I like. I think life is just here and now, and it's pretty short, so why do things that don't make you happy if you are not forced to do it?
With that in mind that is what has being my leading thought when I do my investments.
1. Is this something I like and makes me happy?
2. Is it people i love being around?
3. Can I add any values into their business?
Glocal Marketing Agency
Mindfullness App
Training App and Gears
Weight Loss Concept
Board Game and App
Digital Magazine
Real Estate
Digital Magazine Platform
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